My name is Ashley! I’m the owner of Jeevan Roshanee and your Accountability Coach.

I am here to help you go deep into what it is your heart is asking for and help you design a plan of action to get you moving forward towards your goals and what you really want in life.

I hold multiple certifications in different holistic modalities to bring you the best of holistic healing and support you as you forge a mindset of growth bringing you short and long term success.

i’m so thankful you’re here.

I hold certifications in the following specialties:

Accountability Coaching | Hatha Vinyasa Yoga | Kundalini Yoga | Prenatal Yoga | Yin and Restorative Yoga | Chair Yoga | Meditation | Mat Pilates


how i got here …

After the birth of my first child, I began to explore yoga. Initially, I sought the physical practice as a form of exercise (and it definitely is physically challenging!), but soon I found the spiritual benefits of creating the breath-mind-body connection (which yoga really does create!).

From that moment, yoga took on a new meaning for me and I began to explore, study, and absorb everything I could about the practice of yoga. It was life changing and helped me through many difficult experiences that would become a part of my story.

Much later, as part of my exploration, I studied to become a 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher, then studied Prenatal, Restorative, and Yin Yoga in order to serve more populations with my teaching. Next came Reiki. (Ah, Reiki) Working with energy and managing my own led me to Reiki 1 and 2 certifications. Then, energy and chakra work naturally paved my path to Kundalini Yoga and my 200 hour Kundalini Registered Yoga Teacher certification.

It was life changing and helped me through many difficult experiences that would later become a part of my story.

During this time of exploration and self-realization, I also completed my 100 hour Mat Pilates certification and my certification in coaching through Coach Training Alliance. Whew! What an amazing journey through all of these facets of services that provide different groups of people so much relief and direction! My goal is to never stop learning!

I’m your accountability coach if you are ready to:

Co-create your future and have someone guide you in the most encouraging way possible.

Move out of fear and into the future.

Shift your focus from what you cannot do to what you can do.

Shift your energy and mindset into the future.

Dig deep into your life to find out what you really want in life and exactly how to get it.

Draw deeper connections between the mind and body and also between desire and need.

Vocalize what you want and have a sounding board helping you navigate the flow of life.

Identify key areas that are creating unhappiness and create a plan of action to target long term changes.

Develop consistency, resilience, personal growth, self-awareness, and peace of mind.

Align your values, goals, and desires to create a growth mindset.

Create a personal mission statement that includes strategies to reach your goals while adhering to your personal core values and beliefs.


believe in yourself. you can do this, and i’m here to help you.


 there’s a million reasons to quit, you only need one to keep going.

This is my why.